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Problem with logging in docker when using fluentd for logging of three flask...

I am facing a strange problem with logging when I set up a network of three docker containers each running a small flask app.My python application looks as follows:from flask import Flask,...

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What software ihandles shipping to ElasticSearch the standard output of a...

I have a ballpark idea of how the ELK stack works. I read that by default, standard output is captured and that output will make its way to the Elasticsearch repository. If I post something to stdout,...

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How to parse command output (docker log) through goaccess?

How to parse docker logs output / tail output through goaccess? When I do: docker container logs mycontainer > logsand then goaccess -f logs it works perfectly, but if I do docker logs --tail all...

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How to redirect tomcat logs TO console?

So I have a problem that is the reverse of what everyone else on the internet wants.. I want to take tomcat logs that are being written out to /usr/local/tomcat/logs and have them be output to console...

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What is a good logging practice for distributed tasks?

I have the following setting:Create multiple workers, do a computation and terminate them after the computation is done.So, every-time it’ll be a different instance running the task, so each host will...

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Looking for a good book explaining how things work in the industrial system...

Any advice on a good book explaining how things work in the industrial system test environment and production environment?It's my first time in this topic, so I would need a general overview.Key words:...

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Monitoring K8s Pods in case of outage

K8s has self-healing builtin features, if a pod crash then it will be replaced with the new pod but its log is gone. So what is the best way to monitor K8s pods in case of outage?

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Unable to send cloudwatch logs to loggly using a blueprint lambda - Invalid...

I am trying to use the loggly Lambda blueprint to send cloudwatch logs to loggly. I am doing this because I have a bunch of lambdas that I need to have a single point of viewing logs. I've followed...

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How Do I Log Task Output To A File?

One of my ansible tasks imports an Oracle database using impdp.This generates a lot of output to the console so I have set no_log: True.However, when this fails I want to see the log!How can I make...

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Logging & Monitoring on multiple servers

I lead a small project with 2 groups of servers (servers in a single group are clones with the same microservices, like pods in the k8s), a balance loader, and a DB. Docker & k8s aren't used...

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How to increase jenkins logger size?

I use Jenkins log recorders as described in docs:https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/system-administration/viewing-logs/It works, but log is only about 255 lines long, which is too short for my...

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How to deploy loki-stack helm chart with CRIO?

I am trying to configure loki-stack using a helm chart to my k8s cluster.Since my k8s cluster uses CRIO and not docker (which is common nowdays) I need to change the pipeline_stages: config map to use...

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How do I find out exactly when a Github personal access token was last used?

A few days ago, I got an email from github saying that a personal access token that we used is in an 'outdated format':We noticed that an application, TeamCity(ci.support.example.com), owned by an...

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How can I get logs in real time from a docker container hosted on Digital Ocean

I have a docker container in which I am running Flask and Scrapy.I noticed that when I run and build my container on my local machine I get logs in real time. However, on an Ubuntu instance hosted on...

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What is the difference between Fluent Bit and Prometheus?

From what I've seen, Prometheus scrapes data and metrics and displays them and Fluent Bit collects logs and metrics and can output them.So, are they doing the same thing, i.e. should I choose one over...

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".format(name, e)) ... google.protobuf.json_format.ParseError: Failed to...

I changed the logging in a Google Cloud Function from the built-in Python module logging to google.cloud.logging and I cannot seem to export exceptions and error messages since they have the wrong type...

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Azure Function App logs without Application Insights instance?

I'm a bit confused about my options for Function App logging on Azure. Is Application Insights the only mechanism available to observe the output logged through the function application's context? In...

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Does GitLab support searching logs across jobs for specific strings?

I need to find all jobs that failed in a specific fashion, a few methods are viableOne method that would be viable is finding where GitLab stores its log files, and searching them with something like...

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Can Loki accept/combine a log stream (unique set of labels) from multiple...

I am using ec2_sd_configs in Loki (and Prometheus) to discover my EC2 instances, most of which are autoscaled, and therefore come and go. They are identical load balanced API instances, so I don't care...

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How to write output per builder into separate log files in Packer? [closed]

I have a few packer templates which have several builders - up to 5 per template. This makes it very easy to provision all the resources necessary in a pipeline -- however by default packer writes all...

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Keeping Docker logs only in memory

There are various log drivers available for Docker but it looks like all of them persist the logs to disk.To reduce disk usage I would like to keep the logs only in memory (and limited to a certain...

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How can I log every command for which an Ansible playbook uses elevated...

I have an Ansible playbook that runs against a Linux target host and uses become to gain elevated permissions for those actions that require it.For auditing purposes, I need a list of all the Unix...

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sending logs to splunk between docker containers

I have an app that runs in a docker container (say A). The app includes a log4j2 yaml configuration file, which has an Http_Appender routing logs to http://host.docker.internal:8080/log ready to be...

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What is the easiest way to admin a server with multiple nodes?

One issue as a sysadmin that I'm facing is the logs of 1 day are in 1 server, and the logs of another day are in other server. It's absolute hassle to figure out where the logs of particular day went...

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containerd to graylog

I was using /etc/docker/daemon.json to easily configure logs from containers to be sent via UDP to a remote Graylog server and it worked fine.It's easily achievable with the following config in...

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AWS don't gather properly logs in non-blocking mode

I have faced a situation when some of the logs don't gather by awslogs driver.Awslogs driver with mode = non-blocking and maximum buffer size = 25mb (I have experimented with these values by looking at...

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Promtail does not sent logs after restarting the host

I have a Loki server that receives logs from other servers. The logs from containers have no problem(grafana/loki-docker-driver). However, other logs(Promtail) from log files are not updated after each...

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Promtail vs. Grafana Agent

I'm running a couple of containers in a Docker Swarm and am setting up a logging system using Grafana Loki and Grafana (up to ~50GB/log per day max). For log shipping, I'm partly scraping container...

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View logrotated log continuously

Is there a command to view logrotated logs as a continuous stream with proper ordering?I need to view all entries in syslog in historical order starting from the oldest entry available. So far I was...

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What considerations should be taken into account for a good log file format?

We have a practical question I struggle to answer : What is a good logfile schema?Here are the caveats:There are several workloads, each writing more than one log fileApplications are on more than one...

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